Oh, no! Not that question.
Avoid rambling, awkward conversations about your book and instead have them asking how they can pre-order a copy.rder a copy?
© ChildressBusinessCommunication
“Cindy Childress has special powers.”
- Kevin Rogers, founder of Copy Chief and Copy Chief Radio
Kevin Rogers is right!
Cindy was able to write a hook for my book right away by turning my elevator pitch into something I’m proud to say.
I’m my ICA and have been living and breathing my topic for decades & still I couldn’t quite nail the “hook” for my book… but Cindy could right away...along with helping me get more specific about who I want to help.
The Power Pitch is KEY for anyone looking for a tagline for what you do.
- Kelly Clark, Author of It Took Me 10 Years to Lose 10 Pounds
You only have 7 seconds to make a strong first impression.
AND, 30 minutes after your conversation, people will only remember one thing you said.
That's why authors (and frankly all entrereneurs and freelancers) need a Power Pitch. Focus your message and be memorable, plus keep the conversation relevant to the listener.
It's a win-win.
Create your 20 Second Author Pitch now.